Positive Buoyancy

I was keen to create positive buoyancy in the boat, so following some quick calculations;

Personal 162kg x0.5 = 81kg (bike 10kg, clothes 35kg, food 55kg, water 30kg, torches 2kg, tat 30kg)

People 146kg

Anchor + batteries 40kg x0.92 = 100kg (Elecsol  125= 25kg 20m chain + 10m chain= 50kg (chain = 1.35kg/m) 20kg, Anchor (2x) = 24kg

Outboard x 2  17kg  + 38 kg x0.88 = 50.44kg

Fibreglass 1000kg  x0.33 = 330kg

Steel Keel 500kg   x0.92 = 460kg

= Total of 1167kg +25%

= 1458kg boyancy needed = 1458 litres air


Main Cabin: Headroom . Locker Volume 16cu ft   453 litres   (400 rounded down)

Fore Cabin:  Locker Volume 16cu ft  453 litres  (400 rounded down)

Exterior Cockpit:  Volume of lockers under cockpit seats 18cu ft 509 litres   (250 rounded down)

+ barrels = 360kg/litre   (240 litre)

+ 2X under seat = 200kg/litre (200)

+ under floor 5cm x 150 x 100 = 75 litre (75)

=  1565kg actual

I started out using inflatable exercise balls for floatation

These are gradually being replaced with old 2ltr drinks bottles which are both more robust, and free.

I later added some 120 litre barrels to keep our possessions dry, and help keep her upright in the event of flooding

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